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KCI등재 학술저널

다음一저나트륨증을 자주 보이는 만성정신분열증 환자의 물중독 치료 1례

The Treatment of a Frequently Water Intoxicated Chronic Schizophrenia Case

  • 23

Polydipsia and polyuria without identifiable underlying medical causes are found in 16-17% of psychiatric inpatients, especially chronic schizophrenia. The authors viewed the problems of polydipsia and hyponatremia in chronic schizophrenia and presented a comprehensive approach to the evaluation and the treatment through presented a 29 years old chronic schizophrenia showing water intoxication symptoms due to polydipsia. We tried various methods to prevent water intoxication. These methods were as follows. At first the behavior therapy which mainly enforced physical restraint secondly the regulation of antipsychotics dosage, thirdly Demeclocycline, antidiuretic hormone antagonist which recently has been reported to have some effect for treatment of polydipsia-hyponatremia were attempted. However the above treatments didn’t show a clear improvement of polydipsia-hyponatremia. So the treatment of alkali-ionic solution supply which have not been reported on the literature was attempted finally, the results were dramaticin diminishing frequency of water intoxicating episodes

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