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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

身體化 患者의 呼訴에 關한 言語學的 研究

A Linguistic Study on the Complaints of Somatizers

  • 13

Each major physical part has a special value and symbolic meaning for the person. Such meaning tends to be unconscious and to reflect intrapsychic conflicts and defenses. The symbolic meanings appear to be determined in part by childhood experiences. But it is very important to- distinguish whether the ethnic differences are a result o f a different vocabulary usage for expressing distress. A sample o f 165 somatizers was selected from two groups of 73 referred patients from the department of medicine and of 92 directly visiting ones to the psychiatry o f Inchon Christian Hospital during one year period from M arch 1989 to February 1990. The complaints were described according to their own languages on the intial interviews, and classfied into the somatic and the psychological ones. Somatic complaints were discussed on the semantic and the etymological aspects of Korean words of bodily languages and sensory verbs, and on their psychodynamic meanings. Each patient had average 6.45 somatic complaints. The referred patients had the complaints, particularly related to abdom inal symptoms about two times more than the directly visiting ones, which were presented most frequently among all body areas. A nd the referred patients had more complaints related to chest but the directly visitings had more complaints related to head. These results can be said that the patients with abdom inal and chest complaints tend to visit on internists and then to be referred to psychiatrists. They had greater tendencies to somatize their intrapsychic conflicts than the directly visitings. The more patients with head complaints visited psychiatrists directly, and they seemed to accept psychiatric help more freely on their symptoms. There were no significant differences on the com plaints related to back and extremities between two patient groups. Korean words such as 배 [bae,meaning o f belly] or 속 [so k m eaning of insides] to describe abdom en had the meanings to designate digestive organs. Etymologically the word, 입 [y ip l with meaning of mouth as an orifice of digestive organs had the same origins as leaves of plants, which had symbolic meanings of mouth as an accepting site of plants. Korean word of head, 머 리 [m eori], had meanings such as the big, the top and first. Korean words, “ 가슴이 아프다” [gasmi apuda] had the definitional meaning of chest pain, and the reactive one of psychic distress. But Korean description such as 가슴앓이 [gasm-ari] means the sufferings on chest which translation is inadequate and insufficient and was com plained of frequently by patients suffering from “Hwabyung”,Korean folk illness, as the symptoms of feelings of a fist-sized mass in the lower chest and the upper abdomen, and of heat sensation. In Korean language, chest designates heart and breath, which are m eaned the life because the cessation of either was recognized as a sign of death. The Chinese characters 心臟[simjang] to designate the heart have the meaning of “organ of mind.” The heart was thought as the chief organ for emotion, because of the central organ for circulation and the location for experiencing palpitation frequently associated with emotional excitings. Among the sensory verbs,-the various verbs o f organic sense appeared most frequently on all body areas, and some of the specific verbs of organic sense on the most appropriate physical parts. The verb of pain sense, 아프다[apuda] had the most frequency, particularly on the head. This verb and the other verb of pain sense, 아리 다[arida] had the same origin from the word, 알[al,meaning of egg], and therefore two verbs of pain sense had the meanings of pain to lay an egg and to break an egg-shell. Therefore pain has the connotative m eaning of developmental processes. Pain com

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