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KCI등재 학술저널

한국판 부모ᅳ자녀 결합 형태 검사(Parental Bonding Instrument) : 신뢰도 및 타당도검증

The Development of the Paretal Bonding Instrument-Korean Version : Evaluation of the Test Reliability and Validity

  • 975

One of the psychological tests which is used for evaluating the parental attributes in mental illness or illness behavior is Parental Bonding Instrum ent(PBl) developed by Parker et al(1989). Authors translated the original version (50 items) into Korean and evaluated it’s reliability and validity. The test-retest reliability, corrected item-total correlation and internal consistency were revealed high in their scores. Only item 8 was low in internal consistency. The factor analysis by applying this test to 147 healthy persons showed two distinct dimension, overprotection and care, on father and m other which was identical that of original version. To evaluate the discriminant validity, this test was applied to 74 healthy normal control, 62 neuroses and 67 psychoses. The mean values of 4 subscales, i.e. maternal and paternal overprotection and care were significantly different am ong 3 groups. Neuroses showed significantly high scores in overprotection and low dimension com pared to normal control group. The psychoses group was proved low paternal care but not significant in overprotection dim ension. This test also revealed that the discriminating rate am ong three groups was up to 70% which seemed very high in discriminatn validity. The PBI-Korean version might be used not only for evaluating the characteristics of the parental attributes which would be the underlying condition of the functional pain syndrome but also that o f various mental illness

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연구대상 및 방법

통계 분석방법

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