This study was conducted to evaluate the difference of ego defense mechanisms among the patients with schizophrenic disorders, mood disorders, and neurotic disorders, and then to identify the possible relationship between those three disorders and maturity level of defense mechanisms. The subjects were inpatients or outpatients with schizophrenic disorders (n = 60), mood disorders( n= 35 ; 21 bipolar disorders, 14 major depressions), and neurotic disorders(nr=47 ; 22 anxiety disorders, 25 somatoform disorders) meeting the criteria of DSM-III-R. The ego defense mechanisms and the maturity level of these were measured using the Ehwa Defense Mechanism Test(1991). The main results were as follows ; 1) The patients with schizophrenic disorders used more defenses of ‘denial,, ‘suppression’ , and ‘anticipation’ , than those with neurotic disorders, while those with neurotic disorders used more defenses of ‘somatization’ and ‘dissociation’ than those with schizophrenic disorders. 2) The patients with mood disorders used more defense of ‘suppression’ than those with neurotic disorders, and more defense of ‘controlling’ than those with schizophrenic disorders. 3) There was no consistent relationship between the disorder and the maturity level of defense mechanisms. In summary, some defense mechanisms were more prefered depending on the disorder. However, the disorder was not entirely matched with the maturity level of defense mechanisms.
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