전기경련충격이 부신절제 백서 해마의 Glutamate Decarboxylase 와 Glutamine Synthetase 의 활성도에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Electroconvulsive Shock on Glutamate Decarboxylase and Glutamine Synthetase Activity in Adrenalectomized Rat Hippocampus
The authors measured the activities of Glutamate Decarboxylase (GAD) and Glutamine Synthetase (GS), the essential enzymes in GABA and glutamate system which are closely linked to the mechanism of convulsion to determine whether the anticonvulsant action of consecutive electroconvulsive shock(ECS) can explain the therapeutic effects of ECS on psychiatric illnesses such as depression, mania and schizophrenia. We performed adrenalectomy on rats to exclude nonspecific endocrine reaction to stress produced by ECS. From fourteenth day after adrenalectomy, we administered ECS to those rats for ten days, then they are victimized 24hrs after the last ECS. The samples were obtained from hippocampus, and the activities of GA D and GS were compared with those of adequate control cases. Significant results are the reduced activites of G A D in adrenalectomized rat hippocampus after 10 consecutive ECS(p<0.05) and the reduced activities of GS in hippocampus by adrenalectomy (p<C0.001). This study indicates that the mechanism of ECS are closely linked to GABA and Glutamate metabolism and we think that further studies are needed including molecular biology technique
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