This study was designed to investigate the relationship of immune function in schizophrenia focusing on num ber & percentage of T & B lymphocytes. The subjects consist of 44 male schizophrenics by DSM -III-R who admitted to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Korea University and Samyoung Mental Hospital from March 1, 1989 to May 31, 1990. The 18 normal controls were healthy volunteers and were selected age matching to schizophrenic patient The results were as follows : 1) There were statistically significant differences between normal controls and naive or drugw ash out schizophrenics in percentage of B lymphocyte and T8 cell(P < 0.05 ). 2) There were statistically significant differences a mong normal cpntrols, below 2 years duration s chronic schizophrenics, above 2 below 5 years durations schizophrenics and more than 5 years durations chronic schizophrenics in number of Tlym phocyte, percentage of B lymphocyte, number of T8 cell and T4/T8 ratio (p < 0 .0 5 ). 3) There were statistically significant differences among normal controls, schizophrenics with positive symptoms and schizophrenics with negative symptoms in percentage of Tlymphocyte or Blymphocyte or number of T8 cells or T4/T 8 ratio (p < 0 .0 5 ). 4 ) There were no significant differences on the basis of administrative antipsychotics durations in lymphocyte pupulations(P > 0 .0 5 ). 5 ) There were statistically significant differences on the basis of dosage of administrative antipsychotics in T4/T8 ratio (p < 0 .0 5 ). 6 ) There were no significant differences on the basis of description of administrative antipsychotics (P > 0 .0 5 ). 7 ) There were statistically significant differences betw een adm itted schizophrenic patients and am bulatory schizophrenic patients in percentage of Tlymphocyte, number of T8cells ( P < 0 . 05) and number & percentage of B lymphocyte ( P<0.001).
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