최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

금주 동맹의 참여에 영향을 미치는 주정 중독환자의 변인에 관한 예비적 연구

A Preliminary Study of Various Variables of Alcoholic Patients Influenced on the Participation in Alcoholics Anonymus

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The author investigated the background of alcoholic patients which seemed to influence the participation of alcoholic patients to Alcoholics An onymou s. The subject of this study were 59 patients with alcoholic patients who had been admitted to Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital from July, 1988 to September, 1990. This study was performed by the review of inpatient records and interview through telephone. The results were as follows; 1. As we compared the group of maintaining sobriety with the alcoholic group which had drank alcohol continu sously after discharge. 1) The alcoholic patients who had professional job were more difficult to be abstinent than the other group ( p = 0.046). 2 ) There was a tendency that the continuously drinking group had significantly domineering mother and weak father (p = 0.037). 2. As we compared participating group with non-participating group. 1) Alcoholic patients with drinking history over 15 years revealed resistance to participate in alcoholic anonymous(p = 0.0 3 4 ). 2 ) Well-educated alcoholic patients attended alcoholic anonymous more than patients with lower educational level( p = 0.0389). 3) Alcoholic patients in higher socioecconomic status had higher tendency to participate alcoholic anonymous than those in lower so cioecconomic status(p 二 0.031). 4 ) Those who eagerly participated alcoholic anonymous seems to maintain sobreity more than those who did not showed interest in alcoholic anonymous( p = 0.0045 ).

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