The present study was intended to examine the relationship between adolescents sexual violence and its structural, demographic and psychological variables of the family and to establish basic guidline data for preventing adolescent from conducting juvenile sex crimes. Data were collected through questionnaire survey and direct interview. Subjects served for this study consisted of 2,197 adolescents, including 48 juvenile sex offenders, 709 other misbehavioral delinquents and 1,440 adolescent students in Korea, sampled from Korean student population and adolescent delinquent population confined in juvenile correctional institutions, using random sampling method. Their age ranged between 12 and 21. The actual number of cases put into the analyses was 1,893 including 489 delinquents and 1,404 adolescent students. Data were analysed by CD C -174 computer of KAIST, using SPSS program . Statistical method employed were Chi-square test. The results of this study were as follows; 1) Of the 757 delinquents, 48 were cases of sexual violence (rape). Their family structures suchas family size and type tended to have significant relationship with juvenile sex violences and other misbehaviors. That is, the extended family type with more than 9 family members including grandparent parent and siblings was significantly related to juvenile sex crimes, whereas other misbehavioral delinquency was significantly related to the nuclear family type of within 3 family members including parent and him self. 2) In both violent sex delin quents and other misbehavioral delin quen ts had experienced frequent separation with their parents. Their self-reported reasons for separation with their parents were “their own runaw ay”,“poorsocio -economic status of family” and “parental divorce or separation” etc., in the order named. 3 ) Of all the factors affecting trends in juvenile violent sex behaviors and other misbehaviors, the structural and demographic variables of family including adolescent s ages, religious background, their educational level, and parental ages and education levels seem to exert the greater influence. In the case of sexual delinquents, they had experienced violent sex crimes between 14 and 19 of age (from 2nd grade of middle school to 2nd grade of high school), at the peak age of 13 to 14, while other delinquents had their misbehaviors at the peak of 3rd grade of middle school. On the other hand, juvenile violent sex behaviors were significantly associated with their own and parental belief of the Oriental religion, the lower educational level of parents, and the younger age (below 39) or the older age (over 50) o f parents. But other misbehavioral delinquents and their parents seem to believe the Occidental religion. Their parental education level also was lower(graduation from middle school). The age of other delinquen t’s parent was ranged between 40 and 49. 4 ) Compared to the respondents involved juvenile sex crimes and other juvenile offends, more parents were clerical or skilled laborers (paternal : 54.2 vs. 48.6 percents ; maternal : 37.5 vs. 28.1 percen ts). Most parents were dissatisfied with their job situation. The 1st rank order of parental birth was significantly correlated to their childrens sex violent behaviors. 5) There was the tendency for the defective parental child-rearing patterns to exert the great influence up on juvenile sex crimes and /or other misbehaviors. The more were maternal attitudes punishm ent-oriented constrict disciplined, restricted and conservative toward their children, the higher occurred their childrens sex violent behaviors. On the other hand, the more were paternal attitudes self-centered restrictedly ruled, and punishm ent-oriented toward their children,
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