최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

신체화장애의 임상 양상

Clinical Pictures of Somatization Disorder

  • 62

In this study, the authors investigated clinical characteristics of 32 inpatients with somatization disorder, who visited the Kosin medical center during the period from July, 1990 to May, 1991. And a comparative study on the clinical pictures between somatization disorder without depression and somatization disorder with depression was made. The results were as follows : 1) The average number of symptoms per patient was 14.3 2) 50% of patients were housewives without out-of-home job and 78.1 % of patients had below high school level education. 3) Patients most frequently complained o f gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating, abdominal pain) and cardiopulmonary symptoms(palpitation, dizziness). 4) Frequencies of symptoms were not significantly different between men and women. 5) Except for one symptom (sexual indifference), patients with somatization disorder were not significantly different from patients with somatization disorder and depression in frequencies o f symptoms. 6) 8.7% o f patients with somatization disorder and depression had positive results in DST, its rate was lower than the rate of patients with somatization disorder(22.2%).

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