Authors compared the results of neuropsychological tests such as Trail making test(A, B), Symbol digit modality test. Finger tapping test, with those of clinical scales such as Brief psychiatric rating scale. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia,Negative symptoms of schizophrenia, Hamilton depression scale among 15 schizophrenic patients, 10 neurosurgical patients and 15 normal controls. Satistically significant differences in the results of neuropsychological tests were found between schizophrenic patients and normal controls,but no such differences were found between schizophrenic patients and neurosurgical patients. The comparisions of clinical scales between 1st week of admission and 3rd week of admission were significantly different in schizophrenic patients, but these differences did not show any correlation with changes in the results of neuropsychological tests. Authors did not found any significant correlations between clinical scales and neuropsychological tests in all tested subjects. These results indicates that in schizophrenic patients,simple attention was significantly damaged compaired to normal controls and such finding continuous even with the improvements of the clinical symptoms.
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