최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

精神分裂症患者의 幻覺에 對한 精神病理學的 考察 — Hutt Adaptation of Bender-Gestalt Test 및 Mini-Mental Test를 중심으로 —

Psychopathological Consideration on the Hallucinations of Schizophrenics by Hutt Adaptation of Bender-Gestalt Test and Mini-Mental Test

  • 12

To evaluate the state of perceptual distortion experienced by Schizophrenic hallucinations the Hutt Adaptation of the Bender-Gestalt test(HABGT) and Mini-mental test were performed on two subgroups of schizophrenics, 28 hallucinated schizophrenics(hallucinated group) and 28 nonhallucinated schizophrenics(controlled group). Psychopathology scale, Adience-abience scale, Regression level were applied to the results of HABGT of both groups. The results of Mini-mental test suggested that hallucinated group had less organic brain damage than controlled group. The results of HABGT suggested that hallucinated group had better ability in external object perception, reasonable ego function, adaptation and emotional control than controlled grup. The clinical and psychopathological meanings of these findings were discussed.

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