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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

서울거주 일반성인의 수면양상에 관한 연구

A Study on the Sleep Patterns of the General Adult Population in Seoul

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the sleep patterns of the general adult population. The subjects of this study were 1,049 general adults in Soul and this study was performed from March 1990 to July 1990. The results were as follows ; 1) The mean value for sleep length was 6.42士 1.41 hours and there were no significant sex difference. In the above 51-year-old age group, sleep length was significantly shorter compared with the other two age groups(p<C0.05), 202(19.3*%) reported sleeping more than 8 hours and 847(80.7%) reported sleeping less than 8 hours. 2) The mean value for sleep latency was 23.40± 23.03 minutes and there were no significant sex difference. In the above 51-year-old age group, sleep latency was longer than the other two age groups(p<0.05). The mean value for sleep latency in the group of respondents who complained difficulty falling asleep (DFA ) was 26.85± 25.51 minutes and in the group of respondents who did not complain difficulty falling asleep less than 8 hours. 2) The mean value for sleep latency was 23.40± 23.03 minutes and there were no significant sex difference. In the above 51-year-old age group, sleep latency was longer than the other two age groups(p<0.05). The mean value for sleep latency in the group of respondents who complained difficulty falling asleep (D F A ) was 26.85 ± 25.51 minutes and in the group of respondents who did not complain difficulty falling asleep was 17.64土 24.31 minutes. The former was significantly longer than the latter(p<0.0001). 3) The time of awakening was earlier than the other two age groups (p< 0 .0 5). The mean value for the time o f awakening in the group of respondents who complained early morning awakening was 5.41 ± 1.20hrs. and in the group of respondents who did not complain early morning awakening was 5.52士 1.02hrs. There were no significant difference between the two groups. 4) 654(62.3 % ) complained difficulty falling asleep (D F A ), 759(72.4%) complained broken sleep(BS),and 422(40.2%) complained early morning awakening (E M A ). Broken sleep was more common in females than males (p< 0 .0 5) and early morning awakening was more common in above 51-year-old age group ( p <0.05). 5) 301(28.7%) had a nap and the frequency of nap was significantly more in the above 51-year-old age group (p <0.0001). 6) The number of subjects who experienced daytime drowsness were significantly more in the 18-30-year-old age group than the other two age groups ( P <0.0001). Snoring was significantly more frequent in the above 51-year-old age group (p<0.005) and in the males than the females(p〈0.005). 7) Of the total sample, 428(40.8*%) reported nightmares,399(38.0%) reported sleeptalking, 178(17.0%) reported bruxism, and 24(2.3%) reported sleepwalking. Nightmares was more common in the 18-30-year-old age group (p<0 .0 1).

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연구대상 및 방법

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