To make a suchclassification of conduct disorder by using CB C L, the authors investigated 37 conduct disorders adolescents in Seoul National Mental Hospital during the period from June 1,1987 to June 30, 1991. The results were as follows ; 1) The total nembers of conduct disorder adolescents are 37 patient, and 4 clusters are subclassified. 2) In one way ANO VA , the scores of externalizing and internalizing showed statistically significance. 3) To compare the score of subscale factor, in parent form CB CL, delinquent, aggressive, hyperactive factor showed statistically significance, and the remainder factors are not significant. 4) In comparison between clinical data and clusters, the age o f symptom onset showed statistically significance, and orders are cluster 4,cluster 2, cluster 3 and cluster 1. The X 2 test, the sex showed statistically significant the ratio o f females 60.0% in cluster 2,14.3% in cluster 3, 12.5% in cluster 1 and 0% in cluster 4. 5) i) In the main and interaction effects between 4 clusters and 2 forme of CBCL in each matched CBCL subscale, external, internal, aggressive(P〈0.001) and deliniquent(P< 0 . 01) factor showed statistically significant. ii) In the two forms of CBCL, social, school and total factor showed statistically significant. The remainder factor showed statistically no significance. iii) In the clusters and two forms of CBCL, the external and aggressive and internal factor showed statistically significance and in the cluster 1,the score of YSR of external and aggressive factor are higher than parent form CBCL, and in cluster 3 the scores of parent form and higher. In cluster 4,the score of internal factor of parent form CBCL is higher than the self form.
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연구대상 및 방법
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