The present study examined the structure and patterns of ethnic identity in a sample of Korean-Chinese parents and their adolescents residing in the Jilin Prorince in China. The ethnic identity of these participants (total; 148, parents : 100, adolesents;48) includes two major components • Korean identity and Chinese identity. Each of these components was measured in three different modalities : behavioral, affective and cognitive. The results are summarized as follow ; 1) Generational comparisons between Korean identity scores of parents and adolescents indicated similarities in the modalities of cognitive and behavioral identities. Both groups shared a Korean orientation manifested in their high level of Korean behavior and cognition. However, both groups also shared a relatively high level of Chinese identity. In summary, dual identity appeared to be preserved over time. The parents scored higher than the adolescents in their affective modality of Korean identity. Chinese identity was scored higher in the adolescents than korean identity in their affective modality. The generational comparisons indicated that the adolescents were acculturated in their affect than their parents. 2) Comparison of men and women in the strength of identity component showed higher cognitive scores among the men, in Korean identity, compared with Chinese identity. Men were more identified with “Chinese” and “Korean” in the affective component of their identity.
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조사대상 및 방법
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