Psychological researches on differences between the sexes indicated no consistent sexrelated differences, contrary to the general belief that boys have better perception of concepts, reasoning ability, moral judgement and creativity. There are some consistent results that girls excel in linguistic abilities while boys are better in mathematic and spatial capabilities. In the areas of human relations, females tried to harmonize themselves with the group by experiencing similar feelings with other people and by differentiating their relationship with others. On the other hand, males were more aggressive and dominating. As these sexual differences develop from the early stage of infancy to become more obvious after adolescent period, this paper examined the female psychological development at their adolescent age. The fact that girls cannot control the period and quantity of menstration on their own has a very negative impact on girls in their adolescence, making them less satisfied with their body image. Boys aim at getting sexual intercourse and subsequent satisfaction while girls permit sexual contacts because they put more emphasis on human relationship. From the viewpoint of identity development, boys need to transfer from their mother(who is the target of affection) to their father(who is the target of identification). Many girls have smoother developmental process of adolescence without experiencing conflict with parents as they continue to identify themselves with their mothers who were the first target of affection. However, girls at this stage experience depression frequently mainly for the lack of self-respect, as a result of social influences such as school education system, mass media and peer group relations. As a conclusion, both females and males share commonalities but they have differences as well, and individual differences are also big. Human beings, regardless of their sexes, should be able to form their own self image by identifying their individual characteristics and by avoiding to fall victims of false stereotypes of customs and common bias of the society.
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성 차이에 관한 심리학적 연구 결과
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