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KCI등재 학술저널

소아키 여성발달

Female Development in Childhood

  • 10

The study of the emergence of gender identity and core gender identity in little girls is a key to the modification of Freud’s statements on the onset and crucial factors in the development of femininity. Cognitive functions, learning experiences and language are believed to be more important than Freud stressed, and penis envy and feelings of inferiority are relegated to a less universal and less necessary place in the onset of femininity. The role of father is given different emphasis. Direct observation clarifies many aspects of masturbation or early genital self-stimulation in the young female. Detailed child ovservational studies also revealed variable pathways by which the girl enters her Oedipus complex. They do not support the generalizability of the 1925 postulate that the girl enters her Oedipus complex by way of her castration complex. Current views of masturbation in latancy girls are drawn from direct observation, clinical experience with children, and from recollection of adult women. Reports in the literatures invite re-examination of Freud’s original theory that latency girls turn away from clitoral masturbation and develop persistent penis envy as a necessary step in development toward mature femininity

서 론

초기 발달

성 주체성과 일차적 여성특질

외디푸스 컴플렉스

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