This report was designed to investigate the propranolol use in a psychiatric in -patients unit. All of the patients who had admitted to the department of psychiatry of Yonsei University. Wonju Christian Hospital, from Jan . 1st to Dec . 31st 1990, were included in this investig ation . The propranolol was prescribed in the 107 patients (69 male patients and 38 female patients ) among the total 147 patients. The results were as the followings; 1) The propranolol was prescribed in 23.9% of the 447 patients. 2) The patients whose initial daily dosage of the propranolol was between 40mg and 80mg, were 77.6% of the total patients , and the average dosage was 52 .1 ± 24.4mg . 3) The daily dosage of the prescribed propranolol ranged from 20mg to 440mg. The maximal dosage was 106.6士 82.2mg/ 4) Schizophrenia was the highest diagnostic group(37.4%) among all DSM-III-R diagnostic distribution in the patients with the propranolol. 5) Symptom improvement was the main reason of limited-increase pattern of administration (46.7*%). 35 patients failed to continue propranolol use, 22 patients(62.9%) among them had stopped propranolol use because of some kind of side effects. 6) Propranolol was effective in 80.4% of the patients for the target symptoms. 7) The target symptoms for the propranolol use were aggression, anxiety, akathisia, mania, psychosis and tremor. Akathisia(39 patients, 36.4%) was the most frequent reason of propranolol administration, the next was anxiety (30 patients, 28.0%), thereafter aggression(27 patients, 25.2%). The above 3 groups account for almost target symptoms(89.7%). 8) The maximal dosage for aggression was 191.9mg in average, and significantly higher th an that for anxiety (98 .3 mg ). akathisia (61 .5 mg ) and tremor(56 .0 mg ). 9) With the target symptoms of the propranolol use, the pattern of propranolol administration varied by one of three modes
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