This study was performed to investigate the clinical characteristics of the psychiatric disabilities associated with head injury. The subjects were 53 patients who had been admitted to the Pusan Paik Hospital, In je University from Jan. 1986 to Dec. 1990 with the problem of mental symptoms following head injury. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The incidence of psychiatric disability following head injury was higher in male(81.1%), socially-active age group, relatively low educational level, and low socio-economic class. 2) Traffic accident occupied the main cause of head injury, and in the aspect of degree of head injury, cerebral contusion (56.6%) was higher than cerebral concussion(43.4 %). 3) In the aspect of premorbid personality, without overt premorbid personality disorder was 49.0 %, dependent personality was 9.4%, compulsive personality was 7.5%, and passiveaggressive personality was 7.5%. 4) Posttraumatic neurosis(39.6%) was the most frequent diagnosis, and organic personality syndrome was 22.6 %, dementia & amnestic syndrome was 15.1%,organic delusional & hallucinosis was 7.5 %,posttraumatic epilepsy was 5.7 %,organic affective syndrome was 3.8%. 5) EEG & brain CT findings were normal in 60.4% of subjects, and cases of neurosurgical non-operative subjects(81.1 %) were more frequent than operative subjects(18.9%). 6) Mean duration of interval period (duration from head injury to psychiatric treatment), admission period, out-patient period was 105.5, 145.2, 155.0 days respectively, and out-patient period was significantly longer in subjects of organic personality syndrome, posttraumatic neurosis, and posttraumatic epilepsy(p〈0.05). 7) Correlation between interval period and out-patient period was positively correlated(r= 0.4394, p = 0.001).
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연구대상 및 방법
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