최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

신경증 환자들의 방어양상 ㅡ기독교인을 중심으로 ᅳ

Defense Style of Neurotic Patients — Focused on the Christian —

  • 12

In order to study the relationship between defense mechanism and Christianity in neurotic patient, we measure the ego defense mechanism by Defense Style Questi&#4363;narre(DSQ) and survey the cause of illness and treatment modality in 155 subjects who are classified as more religious, less religious, and not religious groups by their religiousness. The following results were obtained using computer analysis : 1) In the defense mechanism, more religious group characteristically use denial, anticipation, reaction formation, dissociation(p〈0.05) and not religious group characteristically use consumption(p〈0.01). 2) In the Hierachy of maturation proposed by Bond(1983), self sacrificing defense is used in more religious group, less religious group, and not religious group in decreasing order of frequency. The difference is statistically signiflcant(p<0.01). 3) In the cause of illness and treatment modality, more religious group have most religious attitude among all groups. But interestingly less religious group show intermediate attitude in the cause of illness and have same treatment modality as that of not religious group.

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