최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

두부손상 환자에서 정신증상과 뇌 손상부위와의 관계 ᅳ 우울증상과 인지기능 장애를 중심으로ᅳ

Relationship between Psychiatric Symptoms and Lesion Site of Brain in Patients with Head Trauma — Focused on Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Dysfunctions-

  • 31

To investigate the relationship between psychiatric symptoms and brain lesion site, thirty eight psychiatric inpatients with history of head trauma were selected. Patients were divided into three groups according to lesion sites ; patients with left hemispheric lesion ( N = 13), patients with right hemispheric lesion (N = 11), and patients with ill defined le s io n (N = 14). Psychiatric symptoms were examined focused on depression and cognitive functions. Depressive symptoms were checked by H am ilton Rating Scale for Depression(H RSD ), and cognitive founctions were checked by Mini-Mental Status E xam ination(MMSE ) and Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale (KWIS ). The results were as follows ; 1) Patients with left hemispheric lesion, especially with left anterior lesion, showed significantly higher HRSD score than patients with another lesion sites(p<0.05). 2) Moderate to severe depression, whose HRSD score was higher than 18,was more common in patients with left hemispheric lesion than in patients with another lesion sites. 3) MMSE scores and KW IS scores o f all three groups were not significantly different each other. 4) ‘Calculation’ scores were lower in patients with left hemispheric lesion than in patients with anothr lesion sites. 5) ‘Language’ scores were significantly lower in patients with left hemispheric lesion than in patients with another lesion sites(p<0.05).

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