최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

C.G. Jung의 同時性論

On Synchronicity by C.G. Jung

  • 9

Synchronicity is a concept which indicates according to Jung a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved, suggesting the existence of the acausal synchronicity principle as a complementary principle to the conventional causality to explain the totality of psychic reality. In this paper Jung’s conception of the synchronicity was reviewed ;Jung’s motivation to write theoretical formulation about synchronicity, the examples of the synchronicity phenomena, Jung’s interpretation of the phenomena based on his hypothesis of archetypal constellation and the absolute knowledge of self, the psychological considerations to the Chinese mathematics and I Ching in connection with synchronistic thought studied by C.G. Jung and his disciple, M.L. von Franz.

學說의 背景

同時性現象의 實例와 概念

同時性現象의 解釋

同時性의 先行理論

中國的 思考와의 관계

結 論

