Polysomnography has been increasingly used for the purpose of clinical study and basic research. But, until now, there has been no polysomnographic study on the normal control and sleep disorders in Korea. The aurthors tried polysomnogaphic study to establish the reference data of normal young Koreans. The subjects were 18 healthy young adults, ranging in age from 19 years to 27 years, without past or present histories of significant medical, neurological, or psychiatric illness. They did not have current major sleep disturbances or parasomnias. Each subject stayed one night for adaptation before recording started. We tried to conform to each subject s normal sleep schedule as much as possible. Electrode placement [two unipolar electroencephalographic leads(C3, C4), two unipolar electro-oculogram (right and left outer canthi), and bipolar electromyographic leads(submentalis muscle)] and scoring were carried out by the methods of Rechtschaffen and Kale. The results were summarized as follows. 1) The average total sleep time was 443.6 minutes and sleep efficiency was 92.2%. 2) The average sleep latency was 13.8 minutes and REM latency was 105.4 minutes. 3) The number of REM sleep was 4.6 times average, mean REM duration was 22.5 minutes, mean REM cycle was 92.8 minutes. 4) The fractions of each sleep stage to TST were as follows ; stage 1 was 13.6%, stage 2 was 44.7%, stage 3 was 12.3%, stage 4 was 6.6% and REM stage was 22.8% 5) The slow wave sleep was concentrated in the first half of the night and REM sleep was concentrated in the last half of the night
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연구 대상 및 방법
연 구 성 적
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