To identify the effects of phenobarbital on the sleep patterns, the author applied polysomnography to the 15 healthy male young adults. The subjects were examined before and after intravenous injection of the phenobarbital-sodiumClOOmg). Compared to baseline, sleep continuities and sleep stages were changed after injection of the phenobarbital. Sleep latency was decreased. Stage 2 sleep and 4th & 5th fractions of REM cycle were increased. These changes were statistically significant with p<0.05 and p<0.005 respectively. TST, SE, REM latency & REM cycle tended to increase and W.A.S.O., stage 1 sleep time, average REM sleep time & REN number tended to dcrease, but these effects were not statistically significant. 1st, 2nd & 3rd fractions of REM duration tended to shorten and 4th & 5th fractions of REM duration tended to lengthen, but these effects were not statistically significant. During the first half of the night, SWT tended to increase and WASO tended to decrease, but these effects were not statistically significant. Average REM duration, SWT, 1st, 2nd & 3rd fractions of REM cycle and SWT & WASO during the last half of night were not different. These results were consistent with the reports of previous studies
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