최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

출산 전후 여성들 간의 스트레스지각 및 정신병리의 비교

A Comparison of Stress Perception and Psychopathology between Pregnant and Postpartum Women

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A comparison was made between pregnant and postpartum women regarding stress perception and psychopathology, using GARS scale and SCL-90-R. The results were as follows ; 1) A considerable number of women in both of the groups were most anxious about probable delivery of a deformed baby during pregrancy. 2) Postpartum women scored significantly higher than pregnant women in stress perception relevant to changes in relationships, sickness or injury, financial, and overall global area. However, there was no significant difference in psychopathology( scores of SCL-90- R) between both of the groups. 3) In pregnant women, age, frequency of pregnancy, dissatisfaction with maternal role, and dissatisfaction with husband correlated positively with both stress perception and psychopathology. Unemployed pregnant women showed significantly more psychopathology than employed women. 4) In postpartum women, poor health status, emotional instabilty during pregnancy, dissatisfaction with husband, and dissatisfaction with their newborn bady correlated positively with both stress perception and psychopathology. The women after delivery of female ,bady showed significantly higher stress perception and more psychopathology than those after delivery of male baby. 5) As a source of emotional support, husband was most common in each of the two groups. In conclusion, these results suggest that husband’s emotional support plays an essential role in maintenance of health for both the pregnant and postpartum women. In addition, it is emphasized that the family members and therapeutic team members should pay special attention to their emotional state during pregnancy

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