경북 영일군 어느 면지역 노인들에서 치매의 원인적 분류 및 주요 치매의 상대적 유병율
Etiological Classification of Dementia and Relative Prevalence of Important Dementia among the Elderly in a Myun Area of Yungil County, Kyungpook Province
Dementia was etiologically classified in the elderly of a Myun area of Yungil county, Kyungpook province. Diagnosis of dementia was according to the DSM-III-R. Important findings were summarized as follows : 1) Frequent causes of dementia were Alzheimer type(61.5%), multi-infarct( 12.8 % ), mixed dementia of Alzheimer type and multi-infarct(9.0%), and alcoholic(7.7%). 2) Prevalence of the Alzheimer type was significantly higher in females, while alcoholic dementia was limited to male sex. Prevalence of multi-infarct dementia was similar in two sexes. 3) Dementia of the Alzheimer type was the main factor in explaining both higher prevalence of dementia in females and its increasing trend with age. 4) It seems that there is a critical age for the development of dementia of Alzheimer type and that the age is younger in females than in males
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