한국인과 중국 길림성 조선족의 우울증에 대한 횡문화적 비교 연구 ㅡ 우울 척도(CES-D) 의 요인 구조에 관하여 ᅳ
A Cross-Cultural Study of Depression in Koreans in Republic o f Korea and in Gilin Province of People’s Republic of China — On Factor Structures of CES-D ᅳ
The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression ScaleCCES-D) was developed to be appropriate for use in studies of the epidemiology of depressive symptomatology in the general population. This study was attempted to compare the factor structures of the CES-D between Koreans in Republic of Korea and in Gilin Province of People’s Republic of China. The average scores of CES-D in both groups were very similar, and the response thendency of each item of CES-D seemed to be similar in both groups. The findings reflect the influence by the same language which Korenas of both groups use. However, therewas the difference between, two groups in analysis of factor structures. We also found similarities in the factor structures between Korean-Chinese women and Korean Rural samples. Therefore, their conceptualization of depressive affect as reflected in the factor analyses was considered to be quite close. This finding emphasized that Korean-Chinese women s cultural patterns of emotion are almost identical to those of Korean Rural habitants less modernized
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