최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

内分泌症狀과 不安症狀이 同伴된 터어키鞍内 蝴網膜 囊胞

Intrasellar Arachnoid Cyst with Endocrine and Anxiety Manifestations

The pituitary and sella turcica is located in the proximity of the neural, endocrine, vascular, meningeal and skeletal structures. The intimate relationship of these various structures results in myriad of pathological processes developed in this small anatomical area. We experienced a rare case of intrasellar arachnoid cyst induced anxiety and endocrinological symptoms without laboratory abnormality. It was confirmed by neurosurgical operation and magnetic resonance image that arachnoid cyst compressed the pituitary and infundibulum which might cause above clinical symptoms

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