최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

PlatoKSodium Monofluoroacetate) 중독에 의한 소뇌손상과 동반된 정신병적 퇴행증례 1례 - 7년간 추적 -

A Case of Psychotic Regression with Cerebellar Damage by Sodium Monofluoroacetate Poisoning — After 7 Years Follow Up —

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The authors have experienced a case of cerebellar damage caused by sodium monofluoroacetate( SMFA) poisoning. The patient showed the regressed, childish behavior with marked cerebellar signs and intermittent psychotic symptoms. After follow up for seven years, the cerebellar atrophy was remarkable in the, magnetic resonance imaging(MRl), which was considered to be a sequelae of toxic effect of SMFA.

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