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KCI등재 학술저널

항정신병 약물로 인한 지연성 근긴장 이상의 유병율

Prevalence of Tardive Dystonia

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Tardive dystonia is a rare late-onset side effect o f neuroleptics. This report presents a prevalence study o f 1520 inpatients conducted in 4 mental sanatoriums in Pusan City and Kyung N am province. O ur criteria for diagnosing tardive dystonia (by Burke et, 1982) were 1) presence o f chronic dystonia 2) history of antipsychotic drug treatment preceding or concurrent with the onset o f dystonia 3) exclusion o f known causes o f secondary dystonia by appropriate clinical and laboratory evaluation 4) a negative family history o f dystonia. Tardive dystonia was also assessed using Simpson rating scale for Tardive dyskinesia. For exclusion of other known causes of secondary dystonia, several studies(liver function test thyroid function test determination of serum copper & ceruloplasmin level, observation of Kayser-Fleisher ring) were performed. The results were as follows : 1) Twenty-one of the 1520 assessed patients have been suffered from manifestation of tardive dystonia(l.3 8% ).; sixteen of 1009 men(1.59%) and five of 511 women(0.98%). Sexual prevalence rate was not tatistically significantCx2&#8212;0.92). 2) Eighteen patients among 347 patients less than 40 years old developed tardive dystonia (5.2%) as compared to 3 patients of 1173 over the age o f 40(0.3%). This remarkable difference among young aged before 40 years old is highly significantCx2&#8212;with Yate’s correction = 44.25) (p<0.001). 3) The most frquently affected site was neck(90.5%), the next, head(61.9%), trunk(33.3%) and extrimities(4.8%). 4) Five patients had concurrent tardive dyskinesia (28.5%) head nodding, eye blinking, finger tremor, stamping movement, puckering and smacking were observed. The severity of tardive dystonia fluctuated without unifofm pattern and aggravated when anxious or tense. 5) Duration of exposure to antipsychotics was varied from 3 months to 24 years (mean 5.6土 1.60 years). Seventeen of 21 patients have been taken chloropromazine

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연구대상 및 방법

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