최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

범불안장애와 공황장애의 증상비교

A Comparison on Symptoms of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder and the Panic Disorders

  • 111

It is not easy to distinguish the panic disorders from the generalized anxiety disorder by their symptoms because they are still sharing some parts of their symptoms. In this respect, authors tried to delineate the distinction among generalized anxiety disorder CGAD),panic disorder with and without agroraphobia(PCA,PSY) by their symptoms. The subject were 39 GAD patients, 30 patients with PCA and 16 patients with PSA diagnosed by DSM-III-R. There was a higher rate of reporting the symptom clusters of the muscular tension, and the vigilance and scanning in the GAD group. In the PCA group, patients more frequently reported autonomic hyperactivity, vigilance and scanning, and apprehension or fear, whereas there were more frequent symptoms of the autonomic hyperactivity, and the apprehension or fear in the PSA group. This result may lead to the conclusion that the panic disorder group revealed the autonomic hyperactivity and the apprehension or fear more frequently than the GAD group did. Most frequeatly manifested symptoms in each group were muscle tension, trembling, and troubled sleep in the GAD , dizziness and choking in the PSA, and dizziness, choking and feeling keyed up in the PCA group. These symptoms characterized the disorder groups respectively.

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