In order to understand the psychopathology in adolescence, a cumulative psychiatric case register was utilized to examine patterns of psychopathology in 267 adolescent patients, who were seen at Department of Neuro-Psychiatry, Busan University Hospital, during past 3 years, from January 1973 to December 1975. In this study, particularly at issue are the fo llowing: (1) Number of adolescent patients compared with total psychiatric patients; and (2) The distribution of patterns of psychopathology among adolescents in relation to their age, sex, social class, and the treatment setting in which they are seen. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The adolescent psychiatric patients were 3. 68% of the total psychiatric patients. 2) In sex difference, the male was two times more prevalent than the female in 0. P. D. cases (male :female=69.2%: 30.8%), but there was no remarkable difference in admitted cases (male:female=55.2%: 44.8%). 3) Between the age of 16 and 18,75.9% of total male patients and 66. 3% of total female patients were occupied and total average mean was 72.7%. Only neurosis occurred frequently in female patients. 4) The diagnostic proportion was revealed in order as follow: Neurosis, schizophrenia, organic brain syndrome, transient situational disorder, mental retardation, psychosomatic disorder, and behavior disorder. The admission rate was increased by year.
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조사대상 및 방법
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