So far as yet it was not well known about social maturity (social competence) in mentally retarded children in Korea. It was known that the psychological assessment of severely and profoundly retarded children is often a difficult task and IQ score for mentally retardates may often be less then reliable and the Vineland Social Maturity Scale is the most popular test that measures social functioning in such retarded children. The author studied about social maturity in retarded children and computed for Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) edited by Doll, which was translated and adopted for korean children by Kim et. al. The author studied how much difference of SQ, SA, and scores on each categories between the retarded and nonretarded group were revealed. Eighty eight mentally retarded children who have been institutionalized on exceptional schools were randomly selected and were descripted by their house mothers or school teachers for testing. Those children were complicated with speech disturbance 16, the physically handicapped (mostly cerebral palsy) 6, and epilepsy 5. Ninety nonretarded children who have been attended schools were also randomly selected and were mostly descripted by thier mothers for testing. The results were as follows: 1) Mean SQ (Social Quotient) of boys was revealed as 114.3 in the nonretarded group and 54.4 in the retarded group. Mean SQ of Qirls was revealed as 113.9 in the nonretarded group and 55.4 in the retarded group. It was non significant (. 10>P) by sex difference in statistically on each groups, however it was known that difference between two groups, was markedly significant (.001>P). 2) Average SA (Social Age) in the retarded and the nonretarded group was showed respectively 12.69 and 6.09. Difference of SA between the two groups was approximately 7.8- Depend on the increasing of chronological age, SA was constantly increased in the nonretarded group. However, SA was inconstantly and slowly increased in the retarded group. The difference of SA between two groups was narrowed initially, however, noticed of broader difference at end of 15 year old. 3) In the retarded group, the mean scores of self help general, self help eating, self help dressing, and locomotion were less different from the nonretarded, especially self-help category was least different from the nonretarded and communication category was most different from the nonretarded.
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