In order to test the extent to which parental death impacts on the mental breakdown in schizophrenia, we dealth with the family background variables, e. g ., age of the subject when his parentdied, economic status, educational level, occupat-ion of parent, and birth order. Data was compiled from the schizophrenic group who was hospitalized at the National Mental Hospital and from the normal control group who is working at a machinary manufacturing company. Main findings of this research are as follow. 1. It was found that the interaction effect of parental death and family background variable was very significant factor. 2. The ratio of overall parental death in schiz-ophrenic group was higher than that in normal group. 3. The ratio of early parental death (age of 1-19) in schizophrenic group was not significantly higher than that in normal control group. 4. The rate of father death is higher than that of mother death in two groups. 5. Although educational level of father was similar between two groups, educational level of mother in normal group was higher than that of schizophrenic group.
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