Having treated 9 cases of school phobia psychotherapeutic approach for last 3 years, author reported about significant 3 cases of 9, in which author insisted that modifying trends of clinical feature are noted and tends to occur in older age group in Korea. Changing patterns were impressed that school phobia is developed in succeeding 3 stages; hypochondriacal stage, aggressive stage and autistic stage. Some cases improved before reaching the third stage but despite of intensive psychiatric care some grew worse in progress, falling into psychotic level andso psychotherapy was confronted with much difficulty. Through review articles of school phobia and with his own clinical expirences, author suggest that school phobia is a typical anxiety neurosis in schoolage in a viewpoint that psychodynamism of it depends on as current propose not only whether selfidentity is well administere or not but also a seperation anxiety.
머 리 말
病像의 槪略
경과와 예후
고안 및 결과
인 용 문 헌