Among our sub-specialities the two figures of Lindsley and Gibbs are still often cited even though frequency analysis is partially computarized these days. For EEG trainees, they are good enough to tell at a glance electrographic maturation and organization, except changes of mean voltage with age,The two figures are: Gibbs’ description dealing with the changes of fast wave and theta wave percentage time with age in his old atlas; and Lindsley*s article entitled “A Longitudinal Study of the Occipital Alpha Rhythm. ” This is the secend preliminary study of the electrographic maturation and organization with age in the EEG rhythms of Koreans, dealing particularly with mean frequency and mean amplitude of alpha wave (occipital dominant rhythm). EEG records and clinical data of 120 cases were analyzed. A ll of the cases had undergone EEG examinations for routine check at Seoul National University Hospital, EEG laboratory during the recent 9 years (1964-1972). Summary of the results: 1) The mean alpha frequency increased along with the age upto 13-15 age group, from which the normal adult pattern appeared, and decreased with the age starting from 46 until 60. 2) The frequency composition showed that 8 and 9 Hz were predominant in the ages upto 9 and after 9 years old, 10 Hz or more was dominant. Nine or slower cycles accounted for a third of the cases over 46 years old. 3) The mean alpha amplitude reached a peak at 7-9 age group and diminished with age thereafter.
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