최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

자살기도와 태옴주기에 관한 연구


The concept, of lunar influence on human and animal behavior has intrigued mankind for thousands of year, but scientific evidence has been lacking. If one consider the human organism as a microcosm comprised of essentially the same elements and in similar propositions to those of the Earth’s surface, one could speculate that the gravitational forces of the moon might exert a sinilar influence upon the water mass of the human microcosm. And Oliven also summarized area of the presumed lunar influence: the tides of oceans, atmospheric movements, menstruation, sexual desires and activities and the spawning habits of various sea worms. And Blackstone concluded as follow: A lunatic is one who has lost the use of reason and lucid interval frequently depending upon the changes of the moon. ” In order to explore this concept, the author surveyed 539 attempted suicides entered to Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital, Chung Ang University, College of Medicine from Jan. 1. 1973, to June 30, 1975. These were identified by age, sex and the time of suicide (hour, day, month and year). The results were as follow. 1. Of the 539 cases of attempted suicide entered during study period, the number of cases occuring during the phase of first quarter moon was 140, the phase of full moon 115, the phase of last quarter 135, and the phase of new moon 150. The attempted suicides decreased during waxing moon phase increased during wanning moon and peaked at new moon, and these findings were more prominent in male attemptees. 2. As to the times of high occuranee of atsempted suicide ratio within each moon phase, it was 8~10 o’clock during the phase of firtt quarter moon, 22~2 o’clock during the phase of full moon, 4-6 o’clock during the phase of last quarter moon and 20ᅳ22 o’clock during the phase of new moon and these times were accordance with these of floods in Incheon. 3. During the phase of new moon, the aged male attemptees (above 60) were prominent. 4. This observation suggests that the possible role of moon on human mind is a complex problem requiring further study

서 론

조사대상 및 방법


고 안

결 론

