The author studied mainly the hallucinated phenomena of the 15 alcoholic psychotics who were hospitalized in Dept, of Neuro-Psychiatry, of Medical college, Chosun University, from October of 1972 to October of 1975. The following conclusions were obtained from the studies. 1) In general distribution of age, the average of the alcoholic psychotics was 40.5 years, with a range from 35 to 43 years. The range of age is significant, the alcoholic psychotics being a much more homogenous group. The rate of males to females among the alcoholic psychotics was 15 to 0. 2) This report will concern data from a group of 9 patients (60%) who were diagnosed as Delirium tremens and from 4 patients who were diagnosed as having Alcoholic Hallucinosis (25%) without schizophrenia and from 2 Patients (13%) of Korsakoff’s psychosis who is less than others. 3) Alcoholic psychosis is the special disease of men in Korean society but not less and it is the most part in the lower class of the educational, socio-cultural level and the lower income class. 4) Their average of drinking capacity of a day is the 2 bottles (which is filled with 2 HOB) of SOJU (spirits) and 2-3 DOI of MAKOULU, howerever they used not to get some eatables. 5) I found the light tremulousness (80%), insomnia (93%), night-mare or vivid dreams (53%), itching (47%), retching (33%), sweating (13%), seizure (27%) and blurred vision (20%) to be part of the alcoholic withdrawal syndrome. 6) The most frequent incidence was in the formed visual hallucinations (80%), followed by the formed auditory hallucinations (60%) and haptic hallucinations (58%). 7) In the contents of visual hallucinations, the bug, flea and snake are the most part but few seen the case of a rat. The contents of visual hallucinations in western people is the snake and rat which is the most part, such a difference between western and oriental people should be taken into account of the comparative cultural aspects. 8) Alcholic psychotics gave more responses regards as persecutory and every day affairs. 9) Alcoholic psychotics perceived the phenomena externally to any extent. 10) Alcoholic psychotics frequently thought that the hallucination was real at the time of it’s appearance but later in the recovery period expressed recgnition of it’s unreality and alcoholic psychotics behaved negatively or ambivalently in majority of cases.
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