최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

靑少年期의 精神科的 應急 疾患에 關한 臨床的 硏究


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The purpose of this study is to review the psychiatric emergency of adolescence, age froml2 to 21-years, who was admitted to our hospital from Jan. 1975 to Oct. 1975. Fourty cases, who were admitted through emergency room, were evaluated in various factors and compared with sixty-five cases, who were admitted via outpatient psychiatric clinic or transfered from the other departments of the hospital, and the results were as follows: 1. Seventy percent of the psychiatric emergency cases was distributed in late adolescence. 2. In the diagnostic evaluation of the cases admitted via emergency room, 1/3 of the cases were diagnosed as neuroses with hysterical or melancholic personality, and another 1/3 were psychoses including latent or paranoid schizophrenia, however relatively larger number of schizophrenics were admitted through the out-patient psychiatric clinic. 3. Emergency cases had more abruptly breakdown, frequently admitted by forced or discharged by forced such as financial problems, especially in female and well improvement in male cases, more treated by drug only, and rapidly improved or discharged within 2 weeks. 4. Emergency cases had lower socio-economic level, more Christian, more steady school performance and lesser chance of temporary absence from high and middle school, but more chance of temporary absence fromcollege, more higher school performance in fem ale, well adjustment in their occupational life, and lesser chance of heterosexual relationship or more chance of social maladjustment, especially in female. 5. As to the analysis of parental pathogenic traits, it was revealed that their parent showed pathogenic parental traitssuch as overindulgent father or anxious mother, because their children were placed on first or last position in family and experienced parental deprivation of early life, and pathogenic marital relations hip of their parent such as rejecting husband. 6. Emergency cases were supposed to be nervous breakdown due to unable to smooth control of inferiority feelings, repressed hostility and aggression, or frustrated dependency need at the face of various stress such as intrafamilial conflicts or socio-economical stresses, especially in female cases, but male cases tended to be breakdown due to anxiety and guilty feeling, arising from heterosexual conflicts. 7. Among the emergency cases, male patients frequently exhibited of conscious disturbance, indigesion, sleep disturbance or rejecting symptoms such as refusal of food, mutism, 8. disobedience or delinquent reaction, but female patients exhibited of suicidal idea, depressive symptoms or hysterical symptoms.

서 론

조사 대상 및 방법

조사 결과

고 찰

결 론

