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KCI등재 학술저널

MMPI 의 임상적 효율


  • 51

Recently increasing on the concerning with psychological test, personality test such as MMPI is used to the various clinical situations. These include over-all differentiation of normals from abnormals or persons predisposed to abnormal development as in screening in the military, industrial or medical situations; differential diagnosis, prognosis, evaluation of changes. However, specifically in medical situations, its clinical validity is suspicious. That is, MMPI profile of a person who is clinically diagnosed as a psychosis sometimes appears to be normal profile or agreement between MMPI profile and clinical pictures is sometimes feasible or sometimes does not. Elevation of one clinical scale such as D does not always mean that his main problem to adjustment is depression. In order to evaluate thd clinical efficiency of MMPI and the problems in the interpretation of MMPI, normal and abnormal MMPI profile which is diagnosed as a psychosis and test-retest materials which is diagnosed as a typical paranoid schizophrenia are analyzed. The results were as follow: 1. Many clinical experiences and practical qualifications are necessary for the adequate administration and interpretation of MMPI. 2. There is also no evidence that serious MMPI profile manifest the same degree of psychopathology and normal MMPI does not mean that he is symptom-free and well-adjusted in real situation. 3. Combined interpretation of MMPI with other tests sch as Rorschach are necessary in order to increase the clinical vality of MMPI. 4. Patient s motivation to psychological test influences the MMPI responses. Psychological test is not a test, rather interpersonal art. Before the administration of MMPI, good relationship and understanding of the aims of the test are indispensable.

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