It may be said that calm and regular alpha in posterior half and ripple-like beta in anterior half are symbolic of a stability and maturity of cerebral function in normal adults. Though it is a well known fact that the percentage-time of theta waves turn gradually higher in the ages below twenty or above fourty, this study is the first of its kind that deals the Korean people as its object. It is a time of computarized medecine today, even in certain aspects of psychiatry. For this type of study, a computarized all-channel frequency analysis of wholed tracing would sound most attractive but as it woul required a mountain of circuits, no one can afford it even in leading teaching hospitals in the States. Noting this particular point, the author has completed the study by simply using a rapid measurement scale of the size of a visiting card which he designed some years ago. EEG records and clinical data of strictly selected 130 cases were amalyzed and reviewed for the study of normal patterns and their maturational changes in each age group with the theta percenage- time and their predominant site. All of the cases had undergone EEG examinations at EEG laboratory, Seoul National University Hospital, during recent 9 years (1964-1972). Summary of the results are as follows: 1) The theta waves occurred more than 10% time in the children below 12 years-old, which finding diminished with the increase of age. 2) The theta waves occurred least frequently in 31-45age group, but 62% of 23-60 age showed small amount of theta waves. 3 ) The theta waves appeared most frequently atfrontal and temporal regions.
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