최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 여성의 성기능 — 제 1 부 월경—


  • 7

As the preliminary study of “Sexual Function of Korea Female , the author surveyed the materials on menstruation of Korean females composed of 120 rural females and 120 urban females. The results obtained from the survey are as follows: 1. The average age of menarche of the rural females are 16.62 years, whereas the urban females are 15.27 years. The menarche comes earlier in urban females than in rural females, and in younger age than in older age group. 2. More than half of the Korean females experience embarrassment and anxiety at the occurance of the menarche. However, some females feel Jiappy” or “natural. 3. Knowledge concerning menarche is obtained mostly from friends or sisters. Another important sources of information are school teachers, particulary for urban females and female group of younger generation. 4. The average length of normal menstrual cycle are 27.7 days. 5. The bleeding intervals tend to range betweenv 2-7 days. The most frequent interval, however falls within 4-5 days. 6. Most females have premenstrual symptoms, which can be categorized into physical and psychological ones. Among the former, low abdominal pain, back ache are the most frequent ones. Among the psychological symptoms, nervousness, depression are the most frequent complaint. There are also females who have no complaint during the premenstrual period, especially rural females. 7. Symptoms associated with menstral period are mostly physical complaints such as low abdomenal pain and backache. Psychological symptom such as nervousness, depression, anxiety are rarely complained during menstrual period. 8. Mother’s complaints associated with men»tru~ at ion are not easily perceived by her daughters. It is probably due to the traditional culture in which women are shy and extremely secretive to their menstrual flow. 9. During the pre and post menstrual period the sexual drive tend to increase but not during menstural period.

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연구기간 및 방법


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