The side effects of Diphenylhydantoin in grandmal epilepsy were surveyed with the subjects of 75 Epileptics at Churl-Won Gun, Kang-Won Do, Korea. The Relationships between side effects and age, sex, dosage administered and duration were studied. The Results are 1) The most frequent side effect was Gingival hyperplasia (65.3%) and the least was Increased number of convulsion (1.3%) 2) From the viewpoint of age, significant difference was found in Drowsiness with increasing age, and in Headache (21-40 yr peak age) 3) The significant difference in sex was found only in Blurred vision, (male) female) 4) Blurred vision was the only side effect that was affected by the increase of dosage. 5) The longer the duration of administration, the more Gingival hyperplasia, Gingival bleeding, Blurred vision and Headache were found.
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