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KCI등재 학술저널

한국에서의 도시 및 농촌아동의 신체상의 비교연구


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For the purpose of comparative study of the body image between urban and rural children in Korea, the author administered Machover’s draw-a-person test to 100 cases of urban children and 100 cases of rural children. As a scoring system the author adopted Ootomo s system of problem indices and symbolic factor analysis. The result obtained were as follows: 1, The age distribution of these two groups were similar and the average age of the urban children was 9.2 years and the rural children 8- 6 years. Among the urban group first and last born children were more than among rural group and the rural one have more family members than the urban. The urban children supposed to have the opportunities of having more civilized facilities than the rural children. 2. Results of the analysis of the portraits which were drawn by the two groups are as follow; On the age of their drawn portraits the rural one designated 9 to 10 years. As to the impression of the portraits which they drawn almost of the rural children sad, “1 don*t like it. To the ques- tion of the portraits future career the [answer of the urban one were teacher or scientist, on the other hand, the rural one farmer or worker. 3. The analysis of the drawing place revealed that most of the rural children drew on the left side of the upper part. Comparing the size of the portrait, the urban children drew bigger than the rural children, and the majority of the rural children drew in profile, 4. As to the characteristics of the bodily parts of their portraits, the urban children’s portraits showed emphasized hair, emphasized pupil, omitted nose, omitted eyebrow, figures being omitted leg and foot, elabolated clothes and figure with necktie. The rural children s portraits showed omitted pupil, emphasized nostril, large mouth and mouth with showing teeth, square body, thin arm and finger without hand, figure with navel, poor discrimination of sexes, hardly distinguishable line of clothes. 5. From these results the differences of personality characteristics between rural children and urban children supposed to be as follows; The rural children exhibit more oral aggressiveness, tendency of striving for physical strenth, poor sexual identity, more dependent need and self centric tendency. Instead the urban children exhibited the tendency of striving intellectual power, alertness and interests toward his environment, more active attitude but insecurity of their sense of belongingness.

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대상 및 조사 분석방법

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