To find out clues for future research of the nation’s drinking patterns and to obtain current impression on the patterns of beverage alcohol use in the rural area. We have interviewed 270 respondents, chosen by modified random sampling produres who would have represented approximately the total popuolation of the areas aged 20 and over (but not over 65ys old). Ten interviewers who are is psychiatric residency of S. N. U. H. , using a structured questionnaire, conducted the field works in August of 1974. 40 may be over-represented to an an extent that would inflate overall prevalence of drinkers by a maximum of 9% points. Overall, 77. 0% of the sample reported themseleves drinkers and 23. 0% of them as ex-or non-drinkers. Of the total sample, 52.2% drink with the frequency of once every week or several times a month, 13. 3% do more than one timea day and 6.3% reported themselves to have alcohol depencecy (either psychological or physical and psychological) whose behaviors related with alcohol also nearly fit the major criteria of NCA. In the amount of the alcohol, nearly all of the alcohol dependents and about 40% of every day or every week drinker group consumed 4/ of 6% alcohol often combined with 25% alcohol, “SoJu ” The majority of ex-drinker had to give up drinking beause of physical illness or discomfort (not necessarily alcohol related) and non-drinkes (srictly speaking, the majority of them experiened alcohol several times but not spontaneously) due to unpleasant vasomoter respones. The rural male residents regard those who suffer interpersernal difficulties under the influence of alcohol as deviant drinker, not as social deviants.
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