Lithium, a monovalent cation and the lightest alkali metal, was discovered in 1818 by Arfwedson. Since Cade, in 1949, found that lithium carbonate caused sedation in guinea pigs and that it did calm manic patients, numerous studies have indicated that the drug is effective in the control of mania and other psychotic excitement, and also in the prevention of manic depressive episodes. Nialamide, monoamine oxidase inhibitor, is an antidepressant without hepatotoxicity which first introduced in 1959. Thereafter, many investigators established that nialamide was of value in treating patients with depression and chronic alcoholism. Its use as an antidepressant had been greatly reduced around 1962 due to its relative ineffectiveness. It has lately been reported that lithium and several other psychotropic drug elevated the blood alcohol level in rabbits. In view of these reports, the author conducted an animal experiment to investigate the effects of nialamide alone or in combination with lithium, on blood alcohol level in rabbits. Materials and Methods 1. The experimental work was done with mature rabbits of both sexes, weighing between 2. 0kg and 3. 0kg. 2. The experimental animals were divided into 2 groups: control and experimental. The control group was given alcohol alone and the experimental group was divided into 3 groups : alcohol-fnialamide group, alcohol+lithium group, and alcohol~fnialamide+lithium group. 3. Nialamide was given orally (in a capsule form) in a dose of 30 mg/kg of body weight, daily for 5 days. The last dose of nialamide was given ninety minutes before alcohol administration. 4. Lithium chloride solution, 6.36%, was given, in a dose of 3.0 mEq/kg of body weight, daily for 4 days intravenously. The last dose was given I hour before alcohol administration. 5. In all groups, 20 vol. % ethanol solution was given, in a dose of 5.0ml/kg of body weight, at a constant rste for 5 minutes, intravenously. 6. All of the blood specimens were obiained by cardiac puncture at 15 and 45 minutes respectively after alcohol administration. 7. The blood alcohol level was determined by Cavett s method. Results 1. Alcohol+Nialamide group: Nialmide significantly elevated the blood alcohol level at 15 minutes and 45 minutes after alcoholadministration (p<0.05). 2. Alcohol4-Lithium group: Lithium significantly elevated the blood alcohol level at both 15 minutes ( p <0.01) and 45 minutes ( P <0. 05) after alcohol administration. 3. Alcohol-fNialamide+Lithium group: Nialamide in combination with lithium significantly elevated the blood alcohol level at both 15 minutes and 45 minutes after alcohol administation (PC0.01). Conclusions 1. The orally administered nialamide, in a dose of 30 mg/kg daily for 5days, elevated the blood alcohol level in rabbits at 15 minutes and 45 minutes after alcohol administration. 2. The intravenous injection of lithium chloride, in a dose of 3. 0 mEq/kg daily for 4 days, elevated significantly the blood alcohol level in rabbits at both 15 minutes and 45 minutes after alcohol administration. 3. The nialamide in combination with lithium chloride elevated significantly the blood alcohol level in rabbits at both 15 minutes and 45 minutes after alcohol administration
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