In order to study on the early symptoms of schizophrenia, the authors analized the early symptoms, complained of by the schizophrenics themselves and by their relatives, from 80 cases of schizophrenics (male; 50, female; 30, mean age; 27.4 years old, mean duration from onset to treatment; 13/6 months) who were admitted to the department of NeurO -Psychiatry, Chonnam University Hospital. These symptoms were classified to 7 subgroups sueh as disorders of behavior, emotion, thought, social adjustment, perception, consciousness and somatic symptoms. The results were as follows. 1. In the behavior disorders (92.5), impulsive behavior (33.8%), decreased activity and withdrawal (23.4%) were relatively higher rate. 2. In the emotional disorders (86.3%). depression (30.4%) anxiety (27.5%) and apathy (23.2%) were more common. 3. In the thought disorders (80%)» disorders of thought content (55.7%) was most common, and disorders of thought formation (26.6%) and thought progression (12.5%) were less common. 4. In somatic complaints (71.3%)» sleep disturbance (73.7%) was most common. 5. In the disturbances of social adjustment (27. 5%) disorders of school adjustment (59.1%) were more common than occupational maladjustment (40.9%). 6. In the perceptual disorders (20%), disorders of body-percept (31.3%), and sensitiveness (31.3%) were more common than disorders of visual percept (18.8%), auditory hallucination (6.3%), olfactory hallucination (12.5%). 7. Seven and half percent of all cases complained of “Unable to concentration .
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