1. The author has tried to psychoanalyize Confucius’ teaching of “Hsiao” relating to the life stories obtained mainly from The History, The Analects of Confucius, The Analects of Confucius and His Principles, and The Teaching of Hsiao. 2. Confucius emphasized children s duty of respect for fathers and love for mothers in his teaching of Hsiao. 3. Confucius had an extreme^ degree of unconscious ambivalence to the parents. ^Tq his father he had unconscious hatred and rebellious impulses, and to the mother repressed love, contempt and hatred, and all of those negative components became conscious through the mechanisms of defence of the ego— mainly reaction formation and sublimation, 4. It showed that there were considerable amount of evidences about difficulties in his oedipal period and in it s resolution, and that, because of an extreme degree of fear of castration by father he consciouslyoveremphasized the child’s respect and love for the father, which has been regarded as the essence of “Hsiao” nowdays and before in oriental culture
序 論
資料와 方法
孔子가 말한 孝
孔子에 있어서 孝의 分析
結 語
참 조 문 헌