최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

慶尙南道 咸陽地方에서의 主要精神疾患에 대한 疫學調查


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The author studied the prevalence of major mental disorders (Schizoprenia, Manic depressive illness, Epilepsy, General paresis, Mental retardation and others) in Byung-Gock and Back-Jeon Myun, Ham- Yang Kun, Kyung-Nam, Korea which were populated by 12,466 persons, by the Intensive Census Visit Method from Jul. 1st, 1974 to 30th, 1974. The results were as follows: 1. The general prevalences were 0. 26% for schizophrenia, 0. 02% for manic depressive illness, 0.15 % for epilepsy, 0.08% for mental retardation, 0. 02% for others and 0. 53% for all mental major disorders. 2. The age of onset of each disorder was largely coincident with the range of age of suspectibility suggested previously in other countries. 3. The correlatec prevalences obtained from Weinberg abridged method were 0.67% (the range of susceptibility: 16 ᅳ 40) for schizophrenia, 0.05% (the range of susceptibility: 16-50 or 21-50) for manic depressixe illness, 0. 25% (the rang of susceptibility: 5-30) for epilepsy. 4. The duration of disorders are more than 5 years in 66.67% of major psychoses. 5. Family mental illness history was revealed in 30. 30% of all these patients. 6. Premorbid personality deviation was confirmed in 37.88% of them. 7. The kinds of treatments received by the most of all patients were either superstitious, shamanistic or herb drugs and only 21. 21% of the patients has treated at general practitioners’ clinic. Only one of them had history of psychiatric specialist s therapy. 8. Educational level, marital status and religious state does not seen any relationship with the precipitating causes of this major mental disorders.

緖 論

調查地域 및 調查方法


總括 및 考按

結 論

