최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

히스테리신경증환자에 관한 임상적 고찰


  • 33

In view of current understanding that clinical aspects of hysteria have changed along with the socio-cultural transition, Korea, now iii rapid process of modernization and acculturation, Was considered to provide a sensitive indicator of such possibility. Nevertheless, study of hysteria has been very scarce ; only 2 papers were reported in Korea 10 years ago. The authors tried to understand the clinical aspects of current hysteria by vertical and horizontal comp- arisons and by producing it s cross-sectional picture The ^e^ords of 49 in&#8212;patients of hysterical neui - osis, discharged from Kyung Hee University Hospital, Department of Neuropsychiatry during the period from Oct. 11, 1971 to Sep. 8, 1974 were studied. One hundred and eighty three nonhysterical neuropsychiatric cases were contrasted to the index group to compare educational and socio-economic status. Some of the results were compared to the data obtained 10 years ago in Korea, as well as those of Western world. Admission rate was 11. 09% of all admissions, and excluding 7 male subjects, 23.44% of all female admissions. Forty subjects were of conversion type, and 9 were dissociative type. Mean age was 26.98±9.45 years (range; 10-59)&#187; and subjects aged 16 or less occupied 10. 20%. An analysis of distribution of the symptoms revealed that a definite transition from typical to atypical symptom manifestations occurred during last 10 or more years. Total number of typical symptoms including, sensory symptoms excluding pain, motor and dissociative symptoms and la belle indifference, was 142, whereas the number of atypical symptoms including pain, other neurotic symptoms of psychological expression, psychophysiological and other symptoms, was 230. Thirteen patients out of 50 had manifested hysterical convulsive symptoms 10 years before this report, but the number was dropped to 5 out of 49 in the present study. Ten years before, pain had been the primary complaints of 2 hysterical patients out of 50, but it was increased to 5 of 49. Moreover, pain was the most frequent symptom Unit among others and was complained of by three quarters of those who complained of all sensory symptoms; nonhysterical, neurotic complaints of psychological character, such as anxiety, depression and phobia were noticed in 57% of all patients, while la belle indifference was apparent in only 20.4% ; psychophysiological symptoms were found in 59% of patients; typical motor symptoms such as convulsive symptoms, aphonia, astasia-abasia and typical ammesia were seen only in a few cases. Moreover,sensory symptoms, especially pain, a verbal mode of appeal, were noticed more frequently and com- pietely in higher class ahd the non-verbally appealing motor and dissociative symptoms in lower class. A sharp contrast was seen in the distribution of the other neurotic symptoms vs. la belle indifference; other neurotic symptoms were apparent significantly more in the higher class, whereas the la bellle indiff6rence, far more in lower class at the level of 0.0 1 < p < 0 .05. A very interesting finding was that excitement and/or devastating emotional lability were found in more than half of the subjects. This seemed to be unusual at first glance, but it was not too hard to understand with a little speculation, in so far as this phenomenon could be quite a natural accompaniment of so prevalent anxiety, phobia and panic in the subjects, and the inherent personality characteristics of excitability, over-reactivity and emotional lability could easily be elicited in so painful situations, especially in the general social atmosphere of indifferent individualism. Considering all these factors, still there must be some other reasons stemming possibly from cultural factors, i. e.

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