One hundred adolescent out-patients who visited Neuropsychiatric outpatient department of St. MaryJs Hospital from January 1st to December 31st of 1972 were analyzed statistically in terms of age and sex, diagnosis, evidence of hereditary factor and number of Visits. Results were as follows: 1) Sex distribution of study group was composed of 61% of male and 39% of female. 2) Most frequent age distribution was 18 year old patients (27% of the study group). 3) Schizophrenia was the most common initlil diagnosis (68% of the study group). 4) Diagnosis of schizophrenia was most common at the age of 18 year old (12% of the study group). 5) Evidence of herediatary factors could be regarded in 22% of the study group. 6) Cases of first Neuropsychiatric visit were 63% of the study group. We hope the obtained results will be helpful for the further clinical research of adolescent cotpatient outpatient cases in Seoul area.
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